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I am proud to say that this sauce "Old Nick" was chosen by both The Prodigy and Queen for their online stores as part of the promotion for their DVD's "World's on Fire" and "Hot Sauce." It is a fresh tasting, hot chilli sauce that will tantalise your tastebuds; it rocks!
In 2005 "Old Nick" came into being when Nick, a friend of mine, suggested I should produce a hot chilli sauce. I had no recipe at the time, so I concocted one and made a sample batch of only nine bottles. Having been awarded a Bronze for my Hot Tomato Sauce at The Great Taste Awards the previous year, I decided to enter the competition again and submitted one of the nine bottles from the first sample batch. I was delighted to receive a Silver Award.
In 2008 I had a stall in the Fiery Food Festival in Brighton. One of the organisers approached my stall and asked me to go to the main marquee at the end of the day, to collect two awards. This came as a surprise as I had not entered any competition. When I mentioned this I was told that every member of the public who attended the show had been handed a a slip of paper with a number of different categories listed on it and they were asked to nominate their favourite products in each category. My Brinjal Pickle received the most votes for the Best Medium Hot Food and in the Best Hot Food section, "Old Nick" Scotch Bonnet Sauce reigned supreme. My company was the smallest participating in the festival and was the only one to receive two awards.
- No artificial colouring
- No artificial preservatives
- Suitable for vegetarians and vegans.
- Contains no dairy
- After opening, refrigeration is optional. It is not essential.
Contents: e250ml
Ingredients: Scotch Bonnets, garlic, ginger, distilled (from malt barley) vinegar , sugar, salt.